Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Efo Riro with Mushrooms & Aubergine

In a bid to eat more greens, I made a batch of efo riro (spinach stew) over the weekend, piling in loads of mushrooms and aubergine to give it a lift. When it comes to 'veganising' Nigerian dishes, I've come to realise that it's often not enough to simply remove the meat. Mushrooms and aubergines are a great substitute if you're after something that's hearty and chunky.

This recipe is a much-needed update on my original efo riro recipe from 2013. Wow, I've come a long way with the photography and general presentation hehe. Hope you enjoy making and eating this!

(serves 4)
200ml red stew mix (blend of red bell pepper, tomatoes, onion and scotch bonnet)
2 tbsp palm oil or coconut oil
800g chopped spinach
1 aubergine (chopped)
250g mushrooms (chopped)
Salt, to taste

Bring the red stew and palm oil to a boil. Add the chopped spinach and chopped aubergine. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add the mushrooms and simmer for another 5 minutes. Season with salt.


  1. Wooow,me like 😋 looks really yummy 👌🏿👍🏿

  2. Oooooh this looks super yummy. The day I first cooked efo riro I felt like a real madame hehe.


  3. Delicious! I make my egusi stew similar to this. If you haven't before, try using dry mushrooms instead of fresh ones; they end up tasting even meatier in my opinion.
